so I played denny1 with the following list
triple slayer
triple defiler
triple brute
wither shadow combine
we played outlast and I was against tanith with
gharlhorn satyr
gallows grove
skinwalker and ua
wolf riders
for me it ended very badly and very quickly we played outlast and at the end of his 2nd turn id lost near enough the full unit of mcthralls due to the reeves with affliction the auto 1 pt really hurt combined with 2 shots then a cra to dmg the brutes they didn't last long
I also ran a jack out of my control on my right flank that was down to a bad placement n moving
at turn 2 I had the wolf riders and skin walkers pretty much infront of my lines and he scored 3 pts in 1 turn
things I think I did wrong the birds were kept in a bush for stealth n they didn't need to be if id have run them centrally I could have blocked n damaged the wolf riders
I also ran my arc nodes up to far to try n put out parasite n grasp early n couldn't do it so I should have waited
I still have no answer to the reeves combo as of yet
wither shadow didn't do much due to lack of playing so not sure where they should be yet
I will be trying soul hunters next to see if they can give me the threat extension I need to combat ranged (or ill drop pskarre into gun lines but that's a different post)
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